Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Old Wedding Picture

1/21/09 Dad's sister Aunt Tsui-Mei and Uncle Ga-Lock moved to their new mansion--and a mansion it is. Dad and I were invited for dinner; Mom couldn't go as she had other plans that evening.

The house certainly is beautiful, as expected. The view was fantastic and I felt like I was in a Hollywood movie, wondering around in and out of different rooms to admire the spectacular decors. Dad and I agreed that the swimming pool reminded us of the Hearst Castle's swimming pool.

While looking around, the one thing that caught my eyes was not so much the chandeliers or the paintings, but this old weddin picture of Aunt Tsui-Mei and Uncle Ga-Lock. They were so young and happy looking. I've only seen Aunt Tsui-Mei clad in luxurious and well-coordinated outfits with, shall we say, sufficient amount of makeup; and Uncle Ga-Lock in, uh, uncle-like outfits. It was surprising to see them in their early 20s in the wedding picture. The happy glow of their faces were incredibly beautiful. I couldn't help to snatch a digital photo of it. It's a touching moment to see this picture for me. Aunt Tsui-Mei in her elegant bridal ware, with her typical Wun's slender eyes, the wide forehead, and the round chin; and Uncle Ga-Lock with his handsomely chiseled nose and thick brows. I tried to imagine their happy thoughts at the moment of taking this picture. They were looking forward to a life together, but they wouldn't have known they were to have five children who would grow up to be kind and talented individuals, and 10 beautiful grand children.

They are still happy looking after 50-some years, and now that I've seen this picture, everytime I see Aunt Tsui-Mei and Uncle Ga-Lock, I see the younger them montaging over their faces now with all the hopes in their eyes. Except now I also see fulfilled happiness in their eyes.

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