Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

While I'm still catching up with posts on various over the last week or so, I do want to wish all my friends and family out there a Happy Chinese New Year!!

May the year of the OX bring everyone good health, good fortune, and lots of happiness.


Anonymous said...

Well, according to my chinese fortune for 2009 I'm not in for good luck this year unless I wear Khaki dressing with a yellow belt. I don't see getting any sort of luck with that outfit.

suewun said...

Have faith and you just might get lucky. (Khaki low cut dress!?)

Darrin Atkins said...

happy new year sue!

may you have lots of good luck and fortune in taiwan!

Anna said...

I am officially following your blog.

suewun said...

Darrin, thanks and same to you over there!!

Anna, congratulations on becoming my follower. You have my unyielding and steadfast friendship.