Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yingge, the Ceramics Town


After several hours of doodling in San-Shia, P and I decided to move on to Yingge, a town 10 minutes drive away from San-Shia. Yingge is famous the entire Island over for its fine ceramics and procelain products. We went to the downtown area and saw various b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l ceramics goods, especially fine china tableware. It made me think of my own kitchen back in the US of A and I itched to pick up a tea cup, a bowl, a something that I can bring with me as a souvenior for today's outting. Alas, I cannot buy anything right now lest we run out of space that the kitchen here at home is cramped as it is.

Curiously I didn't take any pictures while in Yingge; perhaps due to the fact that the main street in Yingge was not as scenic as San-Shia; and then one is not allowed to take pictures inside of these stores.

Still we had a lot of fun walking down the street, hitting every store and browsing through various kinds of dishes, tea pots, vases, art pieces, wall hangings...and various porcelain things.

I found that the Yingge Township has an excellent website. It's worth a visit.


Anonymous said...

我以為你在叫我名字 :D

Anonymous said...

Dear FAVORITE Youngest Cousin, 也是你的名字阿!!

Anonymous said...

哇! 你真的去了好多地方了!

suewun said...

呵呵 是阿 託親朋好友 舊雨新知的福啦 像這個三峽 那就是一位人特好網友的功勞 否則我自己是去不了的~~~~